SuperStock Stock Photography

An international leader in image licensing, photographer-owned SuperStock was struggling to stand-out in an over-crowded marketplace. To combat the heavy competition, we devised and implemented a comprehensive digital campaign that gave the brand the attention it deserved. Noting that their exceptional visual stock was only one key attribute that set them apart, we also emphasized the brand’s constant commitment to personal customer service, a quality that was incredibly unique in their industry.

To ensure the campaign stood out amongst their savvy target audience, we paired our attention-grabbing creative with a well-crafted digital plan. Through Google pay per click AdWord campaigns, email, social media, custom content development and deployment, and custom campaign landing pages, we were able to pluck SuperStock out of the sea of homogeneity and put them firmly into the spotlight.

As a result, the organization saw a marked uplift in their performance. On average, almost 700 visitors and 90,000 impressions were achieved per month through targeted paid search; site visits from social networks increased 41%; and unique page views increased by 37%. With these shifts, we established SuperStock as a real industry leader and created a platform for further company growth.